
I was at a loss for how to write my thesis, though I decided what to write. Things have always flowed at the same time, but as for presentation, it is difficult to write all the things chronologically. Here one event was changing, but ther…

廣田照幸『陸軍将校の教育社会史 立身出世と天皇制』を読む。 読後の感想→キタ━━━━━━━━━━━(゜∀゜)━━━━━━━━━━━━!!! 私の修士論文の問題意識である、【〈教科書→国民国家/イデオロギー装置〉図式をぶっ壊せ!】という意識と本書の問題意識、特に教育内容が××…

I felt it was longer than any other day in my life. Yesterday, I was asked to live apart only for a while to love once again. We liked, or likes very much each other, but we also felt each other we can’t be what we were, or are. She needed…

神様、舞い降りる(笑)。やっぱりたまには負荷をかけてみるもんだ。 しかしながら、来るべき修論提出にむけて実証をしていないことに気づく。資料を漁るモードに転進すべきときがきたのか?

I got up around seven, though I went to bed around five, because I had to make preparation for reading circle today. I made a report on chapter five of “Social Systems”. Making report enables me to make great progress in understanding Luhm…

今年は絶対厄年だ。こんなに文献を読むとは思わなかった。明日のためにルーマンとブルデューを同時並行で読まなければならないのである(←漢文体)。明日のルーマン、今からレジュメを切らねばいけない。ブルデューも読んでない……うぅ。 ゼミの後先輩と雑談…

I woke up before seven. After eating breakfast, I wash my cloth. The TV news said it would be fine today, but it is clowdy and a little bit cool!!! I had headache.


今日は完全にオフの予定だったのに…↓に出会ってしまった。 ましこひでのり氏――『イデオロギーとしての日本』などの著書を持つ――が、国語と日本史の教科書を「日本人論を消費する大衆消費財」として分析されているのを知る。いわく、 教科書の分析から、「日…

Heaven came to my house! A friend of mine came to me. I could buy fresh meat and vegetable with the help of my friend. I cooked Ma-bo-nasu. I made the sauce by myself, using miso, oyster sauce and touban-jyan. I will be able to get through…


Oops! I forget withdrawing my money from my bank, and I will have to manage with only 300 yen during this left GW. Searching my kitchen, there are some can foods and dried foods. I will make use of these ones. If you see this diary and hav…


ひとり家で書と対話していると、なぜか寂しくなって「運動だ!」とイイワケしながら街にくりだす今日この頃です(苦笑)。いや、脂肪を燃やさないと調子悪い(読書ペースが落ちるし、心もちがスッキリしない)ってのもその理由にあるにはあるんですが… それ…


Sleeping around 12 hours (because yesterday I slept little), I installed a soft for protecting my computer. After installing, the speed which the computer works have been slow. But among us the virus is now flowrishing......