

私のやろうとしていることは理論社会学なのか、歴史社会学なのか? 教育実践者が抱く「児童観」の分析ってどうやってやるんだろう。 …とりあえず手許にある三冊(『責任と正義』・『メディアの教育学』・『教育人間論のルーマン』を寄せ集めてみて、論じる手…

Summer seminar ended, so I took a rest and played with my friend. She had stayed up, so she said to me that she was sleepy enough to die at once. I wonder why she didn't.........But (so!?) she made her face up well. It is happy (?) for me.

明日から再開、明後日から本格再開。あと、この本読んでみたい→『セックス・ボランティア』(河合香織、新潮社)。障害者の性についてのノンフィクション・ルポらしいのですが、書評↓読んで、読んでみたくなった。 http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/guest/cg…

When I was a child, I used to being hard to everyone for some reason. I often quarelled with my friends, so I was worried by everybody who loved me. I was like an jar that can boil water immidiately. One day I hurt one of my best friend ba…

It's good for me to get new PC, but is it really so? Even though it starts fast and is easy to use, I often see DVD contents …. Tomorrow is the last day of summer seminar! Fight!


東京都の中高一貫校がやってくれました。 http://www.mainichi-msn.co.jp/shakai/edu/news/20040826k0000e040071000c.html 歴史が現在の時点から語られた「物語」にすぎないという視点は、オーラルヒストリーや従軍慰安婦の存在を明るみにした。しかしこの発…


今井康雄『メディアの教育学』をまもなく読了。Ⅰ部、Ⅳ部のそれぞれ面白いと思うが、研究領域が重なるせいかⅣ部10章「メディアとしての「国語」」は(これで読むのは2回目だが)面白かった。 言語が自己に対する私への再帰的な関係を結ぶとき、語り・書き・…

I worked all day as a teacher of cramschool. I am feeling the difficulty in teaching English, especially for those who are elementary 6th year's pupils and who are going to enter Waseda and Keio. As for elementary ones, we cramschool aims …

①豆乳そうめん+キムチ→夏バテ解消に。作り方 素麺をゆで、水で麺を冷ます 器に豆乳を入れる(250〜300mlくらい) 麺を器の中に入れる お好みで、キュウリやネギの千切りを入れてみる キムチはつけあわせに。 ②鶏のごった煮。煮物に酢を入れてさっぱり風味に…

Nagashima Japan lost by Williams! Both starting pitcher Chris Oxspring and closer Jeff Williams put in solid performances to deny Japan's sluggers scoring opportunities. Jeff Williams, as you know, belongs to Hanshin Tigers and is one of t…

そんなわけでこれからサクサク書くよ! 今日は寝るけどさ。

I bought new personal computer. Her name is Prius 73J. She works so speedy that I can begin to write only after 45 seconds from it starts working. The previous one took 5 minutes to be able to write. And in this time razor printer also wor…

Feeing easy, I went on watching TV after coming to my home. I didn't write so much. But researching in the library, I got many archives and ideas on my thesis today.

ついに国民国家論を内破させるときが来た。ロジック詰めで国語=国民国家のイデオロギー装置的発想の射程と限界を、情念からでなく挫くときが。 待っていろ、国民国家論で教育を語れると思っている言説たちよ。

I am not good at teaching for children who don't good at. I am not good at stimulateing learning or making learning curious. Sociology is one of the most useful tool to feel at ease. Let's think of Bouldieu. He said that there are people w…



The 2nd-half of summer seminar has started, so my part-time job is beginning. I will write 2,000words per day during summer seminar.

I hate myself. I cleaned my left ear hole so consistently that I injured my ear by myself. So I have decided that I won't buy the thing till the end of August.


それにしてもすごかったですね。しかし聞くところによると、1960年代に重慶試合があったときはそんなことはさらさらなかったよう。 では、そんな行為を捻出させてしまう社会的条件とは? 当初私が考えていたのは、 「当地新聞メディア&ネット掲示板による煽…

I came back from Kobe today. I am beginning chapter 4! During my stay in Kobe, it was so-so cool. Maybe because there is sea near my house and is wind. I had refreshed. I bought some clothes, too. I also went to Kanazawa to visit my grandf…


WHAT!? Is it today that this kind of accident happened!? Four worker died and 7 others were injured after a nuclear power plant building that houses a turbine was filled with high-temperature steam Monday afternoon. According to MAINICHI-d…


後輩のブログに載っていた以下のアドレスで性格分析をしてみました。あなたもいかが? http://sueme.pobox.ne.jp/prof/archives/000203.html ちなみに私の結果は「ENFP型」だそうで、こんな感じです。生身の私をご存知の方、どう思われますか? 活動的、…



『英語講座の誕生』を読む。氏の修士論文が基になっているが、それからは大分資料が削られているという。なるほど、資料を削ってあの密度なのか、と納得。 そう考えると「書き方」の作法がなんとなく見えてくるというもの。言説分析をする場面と知識の共有の…

It had been finished!! The 1st-half of summer seminar has been finished. So I went to a noodle shop as a gift to myself. I will resume my reserch. It is a memorial day that we must not forget. We must tell the miserable consequence of nucl…


難波功士『「撃ちてし止まむ」 太平洋戦争と広告の技術者たち』を読了。引き続き山口誠『英語講座の誕生 メディアと教養が出会う近代日本』を読み始める。それにしても事実描写の多いこと(注:非難ではない)! 読んでいて私の語り口が読みにくい原因がわか…

I lost my way in teaching Japanese language. What I had done in teaching Japanese so far is to show HOW TO READ, I mean, the skill to get what the writer want to say, to get the answer. I taught like that and the students get so-so. Now I …



I worked as a teacher in a cramschool all day. This is the hardest summer of my life. I have to teach English, Japanese, and Social science and write my thesis. But only myself do I help. I 'm get to burning, being proud of myself and aim …