


I read a book on Luhmann. It is so intensive that what I am doing looks trivial, not miserable.



I wanted to have my hair cut. So I went to a barber. Usually My hair style is like Hide-Nakata (a famous soccer player), so my hair will be. I should have ordered like that. But this time I didn't. I hesitated to say “Cut my hair like Hide…


ヴィヴィアン・バー『社会的構築主義への招待 言説分析とは何か』を(今更! といいうツッコミはなしでお願いします)読む。バーによれば、言説分析とは以下の作法により行われているという。 クレイムの構築を分析する:どんなロジックを用意し、どんなクレ…

It is too hot these days, so I would like to buy electric fan. I withdrew 10,000 yen from the bank. But I bought two books in spite of myself. It cost 8,000 yen, so I couldn't buy electric fun. After going home, I read the book, the title …


言説分析の手つきを学ぶため、とりあえず一部巷で話題になっている『青少年に有害! 子どもの「性」に怯える社会』(J,レヴィアン=著/藤田真利子=訳。河出書房出版社)を読む。問題の「江原解説」は未読のためそれに関するコメントができず残念だが、そ…

I saw three cicadas* when I went to SEIYU store at midnight. I live in the place where many trees are. The first cicada was on a wall, about to fly, as she had finished emerging**. She was like taking a brief rest for fly. If s/he has wing…

Summer seminar has started! This year I have two English classes whose members are going to take exams next spring. I hope they study harder, then get fruits. As for me, I want to get some seed of encorage from my students.


Sometimes, no, often, no, usually I keep under careful observation for girls and women. When I see her, I watch what she wears, whether it is suitable or attractive, how she arranges her hair, whether it is suitable or attractive, and how …

第3章書き上がった! といいたい所だが。あと資料をぶち込む過程だけが残ってしまった。 来週の土曜はこの原稿を叩いてもらおう。面白くない、論じ切れていない、言説分析になってない、いろいろあるかもしれない。しかし「今の段階で精一杯やりました」! …

The sky is getting brighter and brighter. I stayed up late. I have written my thesis. Yesterday I also stayed up late, so I was so sleepy and was asleep that I was late for dating. In the dating of Shinjuku, we were spoken to by a foreigne…

家の中は昨日、40℃を越えました(笑)。ケータイもそんなこんなで調子わるくなりつつあるのか? いつもなら簡単に送れるメールも2回「遅れませんでした」のエラーメッセージが。 首に冷凍庫で凍らせた保冷剤を布を使って巻きつけ、暑さをしのぐ。しかしそ…

Today I had part-time job. I had 3rd-grade junior high English class. Before the part-time job, I went to library to escape from this crazy hot weather, rather than to collect documents. I want to finish writing chapter 3 of my thesis tomo…



いくつかURLを。 http://www3.nhk.or.jp/taiga/index.html http://www.1101.com/2004_TV_taiga/arasuji.html http://home.cilas.net/pippi/archives/cat_sinsengumi.html これから徐々に勉強させていただきます。とりあえずいろいろ趣味を持ちたいな。あ…

As I researched on the web, there are no stock of the book that I was searching in book stores website. But it was needed to write my thesis. So I had to borrow from library. As our library lends the book during summer vacation, I can borr…


考えるに当たって、単純な比較から始めてみよう。 八百屋に大根代を払う場合は「モノ」を買うが、 政府に年金代を払う場合は「信頼」を買う。 社会は様々な「信頼」で動く。「信頼」といえば聞こえがいいが、ナイーブな言葉遣いをすれば、人々が抱く「幻想」…

I watched SHINSEN-GUMI with my girlfriend, who loved it. I'd like to try to see it.


I woke up late. I slept earlier because of being exhausted. The temperature was 33℃ at that time, so I left home to the library. I researched by 17:00. After getting home, I resumed writing. During that, I saw Ai OTSUKA, who is popular sin…


I went to the library to search documents by 13:00. Then I read a paper for K-seminar. It was so-so today. After that, I went to cafeteria with my seniors and drank only a cup of beer. Now I had headache.

…つらい。はっきりいってツライ。あまりに辛いこの暑さ。 今日は行こうと思っていた図書館が休みで、急遽文献読破に当てる。吉野耕作『文化ナショナリズムの社会学』を読む。あんなふうな先行文献批評ができたらなぁ(個人的にはアンダーソンへのツッコミの…

Though I woke up early, I don't feel like having my breakfast because of the hot weather. But it is such kind of day that we had better eat. So I went SEIYU, which have been on all day from June 24. I bought a pack of octopus chunks and a …


言説というものが文学・社会学、その他領域でマジックワードとして機能している。よくわからーん! 表現と言説はどう違うのか? 知識社会学と言説分析はどう違うのか? まず、知識社会学と言説分析の違いから。 知識社会学は【社会構造と知識の循環関係】の…

I was in seminar for master thesis today. It was not frightened, but useful one. The most problem I had today was printer. It was run out of cartrige, so I had to go earlier than the time I had to give presentation.

…いいかげん一次資料(大日本教育会系の雑誌)調べなきゃ。そして何と! 明日の「修士論文セミナー」の原稿が仕上がったにもかかわらず…インク切れで印刷できないという罠!

I had college-TOEIC test yesterday. Listening section was as well as the previous one, but reading section was better than that of before. I hope I can get hieher score. Today I went shopping with my partner and had a good time. Now I am g…