
中村牧子『学校の窓から見える近代日本 協調の起源と行方』を暑い図書館の中で快読。いやぁ、凄かったですよ。既知の先行研究を中村が提唱する「決定」のメカニズム(+αの検討)から読み直すと→かくも手際よく教員社会の文化研究(そして横並びを強いる「日…

I tried to walk to school to exercise, but strong wind prevented me from getting through it. I use JR line and the Maruno’uchi subway line. I heard that it would be rainy from this afternoon, but it didn’t rain in the afternoon. It was too…


Though it was hot today, I try to read books in my home. It was 34℃ in my room at 15:00. Maybe you cannnot study in such a room, but I could. Because I put cooling gel around my neck. It was very confortable. I walked near my home around 1…

金曜の輪読会×3が終わって、ぼちぼち再稼動。江戸期の言語学習に向けられた欲望をリサーチ。しかし、その欲望のありさまをどうやって同定しよう? 文献を読んでるとイメージは湧くのだが、しかしとある言説がどれほどポピュラーだったか(共有されてたか)…

I slept well. I woke up at 12 o’clock. Yesterday and the day before yesterday I worked hard. I could get well. It is getting hotter every day, so it becomes harder to study in my house. I would like to go to the library. My research goes s…

読書会で行ったブルデュー『再生産』の用語をわかりやすく書き換えるスレ。 客観的真理の誤認が起こる:「世界への予期、または対象への信頼を立てることができる」ことを指す。これによって「文化的恣意」が構成される。 文化的恣意:人々の間に成立した=…

Yesterday I wanted to write my HATENA diary, but I couldn't. I was in a laboratory in order to lend a book there. So I had to access from there to write, but I forgot the password. I joined in three reading circle. After that, I talked Mr.…


I don’ t write my thesis today. Only did I read and discuss. But It was very intensive.


I walk to Ikebukuro to get some books. I saw Ikue SAKAKIBARA, Miyuki IMORI and Mami YAMASE at Seibu-Ikebukuro department. There were 2 cameras and lots of people nere them. Perhaps it was on location. I was very surprised that Mami YAMASE …

を放棄して神様登場を寿ぐ。 論文の神じゃない、阪神の代打の神ですよ。はたして阪神は勝つのか? (→5/24追記:9回に逆転されましたが見事赤星! 10回サヨナラ!)

I have reached 50 pieces of writing paper. Come to think of it, began from May 12nd, it took 12 days to write down so far. During first week in writing my thesis, I thought it was very easy to write. But after this week, when I rethink the…


I overslept, so not only I couldn’t do much activity, but also I don’t feel my mind sharpen. Oversleeping prevents me from doing actively. How paradoxically that is! I recomposed my thesis. Only did I move what I wrote by drugging and past…

修論の章立てを考える。昨日は節ごとに「クシ」を通すことを教わる。明治〜大正の国語教科書の受容空間史を追うために章立てでは時系列的に、節は「論理」で区切るという場合、この「論理」で区切るということが「クシ」を通すことに当たる。 たとえば広告の…

I did not study today, for I decided that I would be off. I met a friend of mine and talked a lot about job hunting. I hope she will get. I had a canker sore, it is perhaps because, as she said, I must get exhausted. So from now on I will …


Sゼミの本日の発表、ケアの社会学。「痴呆」(=以後、ひらがな表記)について知らない人と知ってる人とでディスコミュニケーションが起こる。 ちほうの方を介護する苦しさというのは、単に社会学的に言う「意図を持って行為する人」として彼/女の行為を「…

I went to S-seminar today. It took an hour to go there. Though it was rainy, the seminar was very intensive. I’ d like to tell the contents to my friends, who is going to write graduate thesis on self-enlightenment books. Except going to s…

文献リサーチして知ったトリビア: 人々は楷書より草書を学校教育の初歩で望んでいた。 作文を書かせるにもジェンダー・バイアスが絡んでいた。それも「就学率が上がらんのは作文教育を男女同じふうに教えるからだ!」といったクレイムが挙がっていたことも…

It was damp today. I was not comfortable. As I went to my university to get documents, my face was getting wet. So I was not there so long. After copying the documents, I went home quickly. Then I wrote, wrote, and wrote. I could go furthe…


I wrote my thesis, wrote it, and went shopping for Shinjuku to buy a bookstand. After that, I wrote again. So I wrote my thesis almost all day. While I wrote it, I wonder how I use prior researches. Though I have different point of view fo…


Yesterday I decided that I would take a rest on Fridays. So for me Friday will be holiday, for I can talk with many freiends and have a short trip. Sleeping a lot, I went on to my thesis. I broke 10 thousands words. These days computer cal…


I began to make an earnest effort to write my thesis. I wrote about 20, though being absent from K-seminar. But I have to read three pieces of hard article for reading circle by tomorrow!

Yesterday I talked to my friends after my part-time job. One of my friends will take exam for our graduated school. Staying at his house, I went to G-university. I went to an associate professor to get advise for my thesis. He has known me…
