
発表終了後(異例中の異例!? 院生同士の議論の前に、間髪いれず) S氏降臨キタ━━━━━━━━━━━(゜∀゜)━━━━━━━━━━━━!!! サシバトル40分。要はこういうことが気にかかったらしい。 メディアの発見とは解釈主体の発見である そう考えた場合、「国語教科書のメディ…

Nothing prevented me from giving a presentation on my thesis in S-seminar today. So far, I did my best. I got a method to treat Gekkei-shinsi, which was a magazine prevailed around Nagano Pref. around 1880, as a technology, not as a docume…

Today I opened a bank account to store money. I have decided to save money for two years, but so far I could only save 100,000. So I took a step. After that, I went to library to read books. After that, I bought rice and two eggplants.

明日はシャルチエ×2÷(和田敦彦+紅野謙介)→資料としてでなく、メディア、ないしテクノロジーとして雑誌をどう論じるかを考えてみたい。どんな方法があるのかな? あと3日で6月30日…。いよいよ新・メディア論をブレイクスルーしたいなっ!

I played until four o’clock in the morning. Then I woke up around half past ten, and I went to a symposium on historical sociology. Though I am in the method of historical sociology, I realize it has many difficulties. I wonder I can do fo…

I was very sweaty when I came back home today's morning. So I took a bath and slept. Typhoon came and had gone. It is very wet this night. I was writing something all day. I decided how to write my history, I mean, my thesis. I realized wh…

After my part-time job, I was very lonely so I stayed up late around 2:40, though I was going to join mini-ITC, which is one of the English practice event. During mini-ITC and its practice, we speak only English. It was very intensive but …

I trained theoritical thinking today. I read Luhmann. It was so hard that I could not do except it today. I found reference book for my thesis. It was Literature as a projection, written by Kensuke KOUNO, I thought at first it was not my t…

「教科書に対してどう言及したか」という所から教員の言語観、および教員にとってどう教科書が受け取られているか、そしてそのことがどう支配的なものの服従へ連鎖していくかを描こう。 「モノとしての教科書」と「出版流通」との関係は書ける。それによって…

I resumed reading Luhmann in English. I could not read fast, for I had not read English article for a week, except my part-time job for junior high school. I joined in S-seminar and K-seminar both. I got many hints for writing. It was a go…


教員に対してついに「言論弾圧」までやっているという話を耳にする。 なんでもHPで日の丸・君が代のことなどに言及した教員に対し、校長を通じてHPの閉鎖をさせているとか(だいたいバレるパターンは①HPを開いていることを作成者が皆にオープンにして…

I went G-university to have a presentation about Foucault, M. in C-seminar. It was very intensive, for I could rethink my graduate thesis while I was writing the report for the seminar., and I understand the theory of Foucault could also r…

to my juniors

(id:ktamu:20040613より続く) そんな中、情報学環のめざすものが語られました。私は2つのものを手に入れました。 1つ、現在は専門家・細分化社会なのだから、別々の専門家がコミュニケーションを取れるだけの共通の土台を作ること。これは学際数理学コー…

to my juniors

会の内容というよりも、事前に学府の新生シンポジウムに出ようとしてくれた5人の私の後輩へ。 「ほんっとうにありがとうございました!」 私は土曜にバイトもあり、金曜日がルーマン&ブルデュー&構築主義の輪読会をしていることもあって翌日はオフにした…


(id:ktamu:20040610より続く) 近代化を反省する学として社会学を志す者でなくても、近代化は私たちの認識を変えたとする過程の元、近代化の傷跡を追う試み――たとえば「時間」概念をつぶさに追うことにより、近代社会の論理に服さない規範意識や行為の描写…

I became sick. I'm getting thicker. I will exercise. But before doing exersise, I should sleep more.


構築主義を社会学的に分析。構築主義の仮想的とする「本質主義」とやらは、どうやら事物や現象の中にその現象を現象たらしめている「エッセンス=本質」があるという。 それに対して構築主義は「いや、それ(語られている「問題」ないし「本質」)は社会的に…

It has been raining. The rain shines among the air. Briter drops chats one another, so I feel happy. There is water that brings life.


I annoyed the nightmare. It said that I would be late for the presentation tomorrow. It cannnot be true, I hope so. Tomorrow will be hard day. The 2nd class will be battle, for I will have a presentation on my thesis. Then I will read pape…

約2日遅れでようやく目途がついた、第二章。 明日は資料集め&序論をいよいよ書いてみるテスト。

I wanted such kind of paper that shows how the TERAKOYA teacher thought the language learning. But it was not found. I was very disappointed. It meant that I could not reach my goal to write my thesis. I need that, but it is too difficult …

水曜日に体調崩したらしく、しばらく調子が出なかったのを「ごまかし×2」暮らしてきたのだが、土曜の夜(=バイト後)ついに腰に来てしまった。日記の更新&トレーニングをサボったはそのためです。今日はゆっくり休んだのでまた更新始めます。 今考えてみ…

I overslept. I woke up around 11 o’clock. I resumed reading“Between National Language and Dialect”by Toshiaki YASUDA. It would be read by yesterday. After reading, I got down to my business, I mean, writing my thesis. I had come to a troub…