I saw three cicadas* when I went to SEIYU store at midnight. I live in the place where many trees are. The first cicada was on a wall, about to fly, as she had finished emerging**. She was like taking a brief rest for fly.

If s/he has wing, s/he should fly.

The second one was beside the street. Maybe he fell when she emerged. His body was like a short white butterfly with black eyes, and he had his cast-off shell*** trying to set himself on. And an ant are about to eat him! I picked him up, and put him on a shrub near the place where he was at first.

If s/he has wing, s/he should fly.

The third one flew across my feet, so at first the cockroach attacked me, I thought. Her flying didn’t sound sharp because her wing hadn’t get hard. But she will be able to fly by the dawn.

If s/he has wing, s/he should fly.
And we should fly, if you have wing.

【注】*cicada:(昆虫の)セミ **emerge:羽化する **the cast-off shell of cicada:セミの抜け殻